Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Stampede 2012 - 100 years!

My family went down to the Calgary Stampede last weekend. I usually go with friends but my dad really wanted to go this year. Well every year he wants to go but he always puts it off but since it's the 100 year anniversary we made a day of it. There were of course the midway rides, colourful and bright. Some are definitely more relaxing than others. I can't handle the accelerated down feeling on roller coasters so I can't ride too many rides. There was a small black one that I don't know the name of that almost made my dad throw up. My favourite ride of all time is the Hulk roller coaster at Islands of Adventure in Orlando FL, USA. I like the upside down bits, odd since I can't handle other coasters. It's probably all psychological, or maybe not. >.< 

There's also the food, like mini donuts, deep fried pickles, deep fried waggon wheels and huge turkey legs. Too much food for one person so plan ahead! Safe to say you can't be on a diet at the Stampede, not without ridiculous will power.

There's also the shopping and lotteries. We toured the show home but my dad said "No Thank You!" lol. I thought it was a nice though smallish house but the layout wasn't our cup of tea. We did buy a few things, I mean how can you not. Candy and jewellery mostly and my mom was dearly tempted by a $70 silk pillow cover! 

There was also the Heavy Horse Show. We happened in during the middle of it just to get out of the sun and we saw some dolled up horses. The runner up of the youth division was there because of something like the Make a Wish Foundation for his area and a donation was made in his name to the Make a Wish Foundation of Southern Alberta to pay it forward. It was a touching story. If I wasn't so afraid of getting kicked by a horse I'd love to ride them! Maybe in the future I'll try it out anyway.

That's not all, there so much more, like games and zip lines and art and craft and music and shows of all kinds. I didn't get a chance to see it all, maybe you will?! It's a little late in the game but if you get a chance check out the Stampede or maybe go next year. 101 is lucky after all! (Maybe for Dalmatians only. :P)

one of a few artists at work

Thursday, 5 July 2012

National Holidays

We just had the Canada Day long weekend up here in the northern lands. I didn't stay in town for most of the festivities but my family did make a day of it none the less. Alas for me I wasn't feeling so good that particular day so I was kinda bitchy! I feel bad about it.

My family and I went to Banff national park and hung out by the lake a few kilometres outside of the town. The water was beautiful, a lovely blue green and it was just the right amount of sunny. My dad climbed a rocky out cropping along the shore. I didn't post pictures of it  because I'm not sure he'd like me putting his picture up even if I have at most a dozen readers.

Times like this I wish I had a dog so I could take him with me and walk the park. There were a lot of families there that day being a long weekend and free admission to national parks and all. Next year I hope I'll feel better, not that I'm really sick or anything.

Anyway after the park I got to rest and I eventually felt well enough to venture out to see fireworks. My dad and I went but neither of us knew what time they were starting so we sped a little. Bad I know but we didn't go that fast, I swear. There was already a small crowd gathered at the hill and we should have brought chairs or blankets since we were an hour and 45 minutes early. But we found space and sat on the concrete and took some scenic pictures of the city while we waited. I found out on twitter when the show would start so we just sat and waited and compared photos of the day. I've got to say they weren't that great, the fireworks that is, my photos look amazing. (lol just kidding they're both mediocre.) But that's ok because I got over my bitchiness and we had a good time. 

I should have taken more video, I will at the international fireworks competition in Aug. Hopefully I'll get around to posting it; seeing as how awesome (not) I am at posting regularly. 


Lake Minnewanka

the smoky after haze of fireworks

Well here's a little poem about national days. Happy Canada Day and 4th of July.

National Holiday

National jubilation
flag colours abound,
we cheer to the heavens
as trumpets play our pride.
Hard fought and dearly protected
soil of my heart,
rich with stories
both ancient and young,
fruitful on all fronts
harvests of life.
Freedom songs in the air
enshrined for the masses.
Let your peoples join hands
Happy Birthday my home.